Evergreen Avenue House Fire

In the cold snow covered early morning of January 9th, at 2:06am, fire radios woke E.M.F.D. firefighters from their sleep announcing a House Fire on Evergreen Avenue.

At 02:10, Chief of Department Paul J. Kosiba radioed his response, along with Engine Company # 2 who would soon be “First Due”. With Ladder 617, Engine 611, Ladder 619, and Heavy Rescue 616 giving their response, information from E.M.F.D. Communication announced an additional call through 911.

At 02:13 Engine 612 arrived on the scene announcing a Signal 10: (Working Fire: First pumper in connects to a hydrant and stretches (2) attack lines to the fire, Alerting a General Alarm assignment and various planned mutual aid assistance).

Chief Kosiba soon arrived and assumed command of the fire. Visible a block away, the fire was spiraling out of a 2nd floor window, as word came across the radio that “everyone was one”.

Within 10 minutes of the first alarm’s arrival, the fire was darkening down, as the sound of sirens from Northside Engines 3, and 4 drew closer. 20 minutes into the alarm, all visible fire was knocked down, as firefighters continued to extinguish hidden pockets of smoldering materials, Rescue 4 and 5 were on scene establishing a medical treatment area in the event of injuries. There were none.

The mutual aid assignment brought in North Bellmore Ladder 658 to act as a Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) in case a firefighter radioed distress.

The Levittown and North Merrick Fire Departments responded to cover East Meadow’s empty fire stations in the event of any other alarms in town.

The Nassau County Fire Marshal responded to determine the cause. Other agencies on scene were PSE&G, the Nassau County Police, and E.M.F.D. Ladies Auxiliary.

In all, 63 East Meadow volunteer firefighters and EMTs responded to the fire, with another 15 members from the mutual aid assignments. By 4:44 am, all E.M.F.D units were secured back in their stations.

STORY: John J. O’Brien Sr PHOTOs: Kevin Madigan