E.M.F.D. Cautions Residents on Outside Donation Sources

With the fund drive of the East Meadow Fire Department still in progress, the time has come to once again remind our residents to be vigilant of other solicitations requesting your donation for the fire service, that, in some cases may  misrepresent their claims that can lead us to believe would support our local firefighters and EMTS.

Some may be scams. Others can likely be bonified agencies soliciting funds for the fire service, but in some of these cases, may not have any affiliation with our East Meadow Fire Department, nor will any of those funds make their way to those who protect your home and family.

Attached is a copy of a recent solicitation that has been received in the mail by some of our residents.  This solicitation, although likely a valid request, is one of no affiliation to our community’s fire protection, and for that reason will not benefit the great residents of the East Meadow Fire District.

For these reasons, we remind our residents that there are just 3 ways to donate to your East Meadow Fire Department.  They are:

  1. Each year around February and March all East Meadow residents will receive our donation request in the mail directly from your East Meadow Fire Department.
  2. In the months that follow, (usually April and May) our members can be found door to door with a reminder for residents who have not responded.
  3. Missed the first two opportunities? You may also donate anytime during the year on our website at EastMeadowFD.Com.


Simply go to our home page and click on the “Support the EMFD” Link.

In these days of misrepresentation, scammers, and of course difficult times, we urge our residents to be cautious with donating funds, not just for the EMFD but for every opportunity you are presented with.

Should you receive any solicitation that is not within the three means for the East Meadow Fire Department please notify our Chief’s Office at 516-542-0580.

In closing, we thank you for all your support over the past 92 years. You can be assured, with your direct donation to our East Meadow Fire Department that you will be supporting one of the best volunteer fire departments in the region who are ready to respond to your emergency at a moment’s notice.

We thank you for your donation, and hope your support continues.