East Meadow

Urgent…Please Keep Your Hydrants Clear

To members of the East Meadow Fire Department, a fire hydrant is one of their most important pieces to the puzzle when it comes to a serious fire. Although your East Meadow engine companies are ready with shovels for moments like this, time is of the essence, and time spent clearing a hydrant during an emergency is time lost getting water to a fire.

Your East Meadow Fire Dispatch (Fire/Emerg 542-0576 Business 542-0578) boasts some of the latest computer aided dispatch technology (CAD) with explicit instructions on the nearest hydrants to your home, as well as a plotted hydrant mapping system. However, during these heavy snowfalls, the East Meadow Fire Department asks our residents to clear your fire hydrants when clearing your walks. This work no doubt can make a difference when the need for water is critical. Snow blowers work great, however many residents throw the snow over the hydrant making matters worse.

We also remind our residents that clearing snow can be exhaustive and taxing on the human body. For this reason, only residents in good health should ever be performing such work. We ask those who can’t, to enlist the help of neighbors, friends, or family, when the time comes to shovel.

PHOTOS & STORY: John J. O’Brien Sr