Membership Benefits

Dedicating time and giving back to the community when they need you most is a feeling that is unmatched. Combine that with these other benefits and you’ll see why being an East Meadow Fire Department member is so remarkable.
Qualifications to Join

These are the minimum requirements needed for becoming a member of the East Meadow Fire Department.
Become an EMFD Volunteer – Apply Today!

Thank you for your interest in becoming an East Meadow Fire Department volunteer. A challenging, yet rewarding journey awaits you. Please use our online recruitment form to start the process of becoming an EMFD volunteer and giving back to OUR community.
Our Companies

Your East Meadow Fire Department consists of seven companies in 5 stations. The station you are assigned to would depend on your preference and your location in town.
Join Us

To become an East Meadow FD volunteer, please call 516-542-4565 or fill out our online application to be contacted by a department representative.