Neighbors calls for Smoke in the Area Reveal Karen Ct House Fire

At 6:08 PM om November 7the East Meadow Fire Communications alerted Engine Co 2 and Ladder Co 1 for “Smoke in the Area, on Karen Court. In a short period […]

This year, Wednesday, Sept 11, 2024, will mark the 23rd anniversary of the horrific events of September 11th, 2001. So many lives lost. The innocent, the heroes, some from our […]
E.M.F.D. Takes Control of 4am Prospect Avenue Inferno

On August 27th at 4:11 East Meadow FD volunteers were alerted by Nassau County Firecom for a House Fire on Prospect Avenue. Within minutes, Chief of Department James Walsh, 2nd […]
Four East Meadow Firefighters Honored for their Service by Nassau County

On August 22, 2024, four members of the East Meadow Fire Department were honored by Congressman Anthony D’Esposito at the Nassau County First Responders Award ceremony. “Tonight, these men were […]
Stubborn Early Morning Blaze Puts E.M.F.D. Volunteers to the Test

On Saturday morning at 12:54 am, radios and cell phones rang out for all stations announcing a house fire on Stephen Marc Lane.
EMFD Spreads Holiday Cheer Across Town

With the 2023 holiday season in full swing, the time came for East Meadow volunteers to hit the streets to spread holiday cheer throughout our community.
EMFD Meadowlarks Win the Town of Hempstead Fire Service Softball Championship

On September 13th, after an outstanding softball season, the East Meadow Fire Department Meadowlarks softball team won the Town of Hempstead fire service softball championship.
EMFD Quick to Respond to Chestnut Lane House Fire

On September 11, 2023, at 2:36pm EMFD radios were alerted by Nassau County Firecom for a House Fire on Chestnut Lane off Prospect Avenue.
Recruit NY Open House at ALL EMFD Fire Stations Set for April 22nd

In conjunction with the annual RECRUIT NY campaign, your East Meadow Volunteer Fire Department has teamed up with New York State in hope to build it’s volunteer membership of Firefighters and/or Medical Technicians.
Philip Fertitta Accepts Highest Chief Honors

Yet another election year for the officers and members of the East Meadow Fire Department has passed as Chiefs and Company officers continue their plans on what they will accomplish to make their mark in the history of our organization.